Brand Storystelling
We worked with Lara to create her Italian meets Australian persona across the site. We edited brand storytelling, creating small paragraphs and descriptions around products, collection inspiration and Lara herself. Introducing the brand for the very first time, we integrated fun Italian shout-outs that everyone can relate to - and made sure that text elements funnelled into the sales pipeline, or in less fancy talk, the shop!

Image & Graphic Design Editing
Lara Fanuli already captured her stunning campaign photography and working with that aesthetic formed our design foundations across the website. We acted as editorial photo editors, filtering images and making selections that would tell a story and look great on all screens from mobile to computer.
Our design showcases the brand with seamless, edge to edge imagery, balanced with post-cards from Italy influences throughout. Building trust with new consumers, we kept the design minimalist and focused on showcasing the product.

Responsive Design
For any new site, having a responsive design is important. We want our client's customers' experiences to be consistent and look great across large desktops, small laptops, medium tablets and hand-held mobile phones too.

Social Shopping
We integrated the Lara Fanuli live product inventory with Instagram, Facebook and Google Shopping. This incredible offering, allows users across social sites to quickly tag, share and save their favourite pieces. A somewhat lengthy and technical process to do yourself, we did it all for Lara and got her ready to go seamlessly.